Friday, February 22, 2008

Appreciation and Dedication

This past week I have been significantly aware of the amazing things that the faculty are doing on this campus to promote student learning. I had a chance to attend the Collaboration meeting in Minneapolis. I am on the board of directors for this regional faculty development consortium. DSU was wonderfully represented by 10 of our faculty members that presented 5 different sessions on various ways that technology is used to facilitate learning. This was the largest number of presentations by any one of the 90+ institutions that are represented in the Collaboration.

Earlier this week DSU had 18 students present poster sessions at the SD Universities Research forum at the Capital in Pierre. We also had a great contingent of faculty and staff accompany the students. This number is the second highest of any higher ed institution in the state. I have always been convinced that one of the primary ways to influence and impact student learning is to support an appreciation and participation in research activities.

On Monday of this week a group of faculty in our College of BIS put on an ethical hacking workshop for high school students from across the region. They also involved our own graduate students in the project. This is another example of the active and creative ways we are involving students and potential students.

PS As a side note. We are very excited that the SD Legislature seems to be moving to support the Board of Regents Science Lab bonding bill. After hearing testimony on the projects on Tuesday - the appropriations committee of the SD Senate voted 8-0 to support the bill. Now just the full Senate and we will see funds to improve the science labs across the state with 6 million slated for a total renovation of our Habeger Science Center at DSU.


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