Monday, August 08, 2011

DSU as Investment

Dakota State University
Investments in the Campus, the Community and in the Future
Over the last few years, many in the region and the state have taken notice of the construction equipment and crews that have been on or around the DSU campus here in Madison. I have had many questions about all the activities and the improvements that are being made in the educational environment. As a president, it is easy to take great pride in the physical plant improvements that have been initiated and/or completed because they are so visible. These changes are a very real sign of the investments that are being made in our students, in the community of Madison and, thus, in the future of the region and the state. Let me outline some of the recent improvements and investments that have been made:
• All four of our major residence halls have been renovated and upgraded (In Fall 2011, we will likely be at maximum capacity in those halls.)
• New convenience store and coffee shop developed
• Habeger Science Center totally renovated
• Restorations and renovations in Beadle Hall including new windows, air-conditioning and new fire escape
• Total renovation of heating and air conditioning, ceiling and lighting systems throughout the Mundt Library
• New energy efficient lighting upgrades throughout the campus
• Renovations to classrooms and labs with electrical power at 90% of every classroom seat on campus
• Renovations to the Trojan Center (student center)
• Air-conditioning and lobby improvements in the Memorial Fieldhouse
• New visitor bleachers at Trojan Field (installed summer 2011)
• Up-grades to the Dakota Prairie Playhouse (outside and inside – in progress)
• New electrical system and heating system upgrades across the campus
• Investments in new infrastructure at the Community Center (DSU energy funds used to improve hot water and HVAC systems, as well as lighting systems)
• Continued improvements in the landscaping across the campus
• Investment in the establishment of the Kringen Alumni and Foundation Center

While this is not a total list, it should provide a very good picture of the types of physical plant investments being made to support DSU’s mission as South Dakota’s lead institution in the area of information technology. These investments have been funded by students, by dollars provided by the state, and by the hard work of faculty and staff that have written grants and/or positioned DSU for this development.

Unlike the physical improvements, advances that one does not so easily see are:
• New academic programs,
• Tremendous growth in our online and distance education offerings
• Development and delivery of a doctorate program that has far exceeded our enrollment projections
• New corporate partnerships
• Expansion of outreach in Sioux Falls (MBA and new student teaching initiatives)
• Training of 193 faculty/staff and student leaders in the Continuous Quality Improvement process
• Research and service activities in banking and finance information assurance and health information technology

In just the past two years, the university has brought in over $14 million in external funding (grants and contracts). Student, faculty and staff accomplishments and awards have been plentiful. DSU is truly a dynamic institution that continues to make incredible progress and has positioned itself for this unlimited and progressive future. More than anything else, DSU is being an outstanding steward of these investments, and the students that will be a part of this institution and this community will be our future.


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