March Newsletter
March 1, 2009
To the DSU Community:
It has been awhile since I have had a chance to write to all of you about some of the happenings and activities here at Dakota State. Since I have last written, Sharon and I have moved into the new Stahl-Phillips House at 1022 NE 9th St. Most of you probably know that because of some structural issues with the Girton House and through a partial gift from Gene and Margie Phillips the DSU Foundation made the decision to buy this home as an investment and as a new home for Sharon and I and our future presidents. It is a wonderful home that is totally accessible (a problem with the Girton House) and has the kind of space that will allow for larger functions. On Saturday evening we entertained over 100 people as a part of the Madison Area Kick-Off of the DSU Capital Campaign. Later this spring we will be hosting an open house at the new home for all the DSU faculty and staff.
We are moving forward with the capital campaign to raise 37 million dollars to support scholarships, initiatives and two new buildings. At the kick off of the Madison area part of the campaign we were able to announce that we have already achieved 8 million dollars in pledged cash gifts and deferred gifts. I was also so pleased that our National Campaign chair was able to tell the gathering that our gifts to-date from our own faculty and staff has topped one million dollars with a goal of three million dollars. Thanks to all of you that have pledged or are considering pledging to the campaign. Members of the foundation staff will be visiting with everyone on campus to answer their questions and ask for their support. This is a five year campaign so we are just at the beginning stages. I have been meeting with donors and alumni both here in Madison and around the country to tell the DSU story and to ask for their investment in the university.
As most of you know the legislature is in session and I have been to Pierre twice to appear before the Appropriations Committee. At the end of January, VP Wittmayer, VP Krusemark and I made our annual report on Dakota State. We received very few questions and had many positive reactions to our report.
This past week the appropriations committee had a hearing on the 2010 Research Centers that the state is supporting. DSU was recently awarded 2 million dollars in funding to support our 2010 Research Center – The National Center for the Protection of the Financial Infrastructure. The president of SDSU, VP from SDSMT and I testified to the panel about the impact of these research centers on our campuses. It was very gratifying that DSU was received so positively and it was great to be at that table talking about this important educational and economic niche for the state. As a part of our ongoing development of the Center, I accompanied Kevin Streff to Washington, D.C. and participated in meetings with staff from the Department of Homeland Security, National Security Agency and the Department of Treasury. Be watching for more positive news about the center in the future. (The university is working with the Lake Area Improvement Corporation to locate the research center in the Heartland Technology Building north of the campus).
Here is a summary of a few issues and activities that have commended my attention over the past few weeks.
· We are actively recruiting new coaches in the Athletic Department and just named a new head football coach, Josh Anderson – former DSU student and Madison High School graduate. He will be joining us some time in March.
· Approximately two weeks ago the external reviewer for our Master’s in Health Informatics was on campus. This professor from Northeastern University in Boston had many positive observations and gave us an excellent review. We are hoping that this 4th Master’s degree will be finally approved by the Board of Regents in April
· The new University Center classroom building was opened this month in Sioux Falls and so we have faculty and staff utilizing that facility. The official grand opening is later this month. I have been working with the USD President, the SDSU President and the Executive Director of the Board of Regents to outline governance and determine appropriate management for the Graduate Education and Applied Research Center (GEAR) that is a part of the new UC development.
· Look for a new version of the DSU athletic logo/image to be revealed in next couple of weeks
· Our application numbers are looking very good for next fall with our first year and transfer applications up about 11% compared to a year ago at this time.
· Our bids for the 2nd phase of the residence hall renovations came through in such a way that we should be able to do all of the upgrades that we had hoped. This 2nd share of the 5.2 million dollar project is about 2.2 million. Emry Hall and Zimmermann Hall are included in the project that will take place this summer.
· We are in the final design stages for the Science Center Renovation that will begin this summer. Bids for this project should come in sometime in April. This will be a major improvement for the campus and the science center.
We have been having a good time meeting for coffee at my President’s Coffee Hour each Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 AM in the new Myxers coffee shop and convenience store. As a result of discussions we have a new clock in Myxers, some new lighting going into Myxers for evening events and more hot water in Emry. Other more serious topics have included our weapons policy review and the use of D2L as our course management system. Come join this group of students and faculty. There is always some type of special if you should want some coffee or other treats.
Tomorrow is our All University Convocation and I am exceptionally excited about our main speaker. Dan Schoepf is an amazing young man who is a graduate of DSU. He does training for corporate staff and other organizations and has written two books. He will be sharing thoughts about goal setting and the title of his talk is “You Against You”. The Convocation is scheduled from 11-Noon in the DPP.
It is starting to warm up out there and I am confident that spring is just around the corner!!
Douglas D. Knowlton, Ph.D.
President-Dakota State University
820 N Washington
Madison, South Dakota 57042
605 256-5112