Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Academic Year

It is officially the "2nd" day of classes for the 06-07 academic year here at Dakota State although we have been up and running for the last few days. For me, this is the most exciting and invigorating time of the year. New students, new faculty, some new additions to the campus and the promise of bigger and better things for DSU. We will begin the "Next Step" process of developing a new strategic plan for the university with a goal of finishing it by March 2007. This will be a time of self examination, assessment and hopefully a time of dreaming of what the future can be for our university.
This is a campus that must continually look for the new development, the new program, a new direction and a way to be "on the edge". Even though we are extraordinarily proud of the fact that US News just announced that we are the number 1 ranked public comprehensive college in the midwest, we cannot afford to sit on these laurels and we will use all this new enegy to move us toward this next step! I have resolved to take more time to post thoughts to this blog and will look forward to comments and thoughts from the readers.